Atomic Number of Actinium

Atomic Number of Actinium is 89.
Chemical symbol for Actinium is Ac. Number of protons in Actinium is 89. Atomic weight of Actinium is 227 u or g/mol. Melting point of Actinium is 1047 °C and its the boiling point is 3197 °C.
» Boiling Point » Melting Point » Abundant » State at STP » Discovery YearAbout Actinium
Actinium is a chemical element discovered by a group of French scientists by extraction from uranium ores. The name of this chemical element comes from the Greek word meaning ray. It is a soft and very radioactive metal which gives beautiful light blue glow. This element is extremely toxic and is dangerous to all living organisms on our planet, and it is also one of the most powerful sources of alpha rays. It has no applications but scientific research. It can be found in its natural form on our planet, but only as a compound of uranium ores.
Properties of Actinium Element
Atomic Number (Z) | 89 |
Atomic Symbol | Ac |
Group | 3 |
Period | 7 |
Atomic Weight | 227 u |
Density | 10.07 g/cm3 |
Melting Point (K) | 1323 K |
Melting Point (℃) | 1047 °C |
Boiling Point (K) | 3471 K |
Boiling Point (℃) | 3197 °C |
Heat Capacity | 0.12 J/g · K |
Abundance | 5.5×10−10 mg/kg |
State at STP | Solid |
Occurrence | Transient |
Description | Actinide |
Electronegativity (Pauling) χ | 1.1 |
Ionization Energy (eV) | 5.17 |
Atomic Radius | 195pm |
Covalent Radius | no datapm |
Valence Electrons | 2 |
Year of Discovery | 1899 |
Discoverer | Debierne |