Atomic Number of Chlorine

Atomic Number of Chlorine is 17.
Chemical symbol for Chlorine is Cl. Number of protons in Chlorine is 17. Atomic weight of Chlorine is 35.45 u or g/mol. Melting point of Chlorine is -34,6 °C and its the boiling point is -101 °C.
» Boiling Point » Melting Point » Abundant » State at STP » Discovery YearAbout Chlorine
Chlorine is a light green-yellowish gas, with irritating odor and very toxic properties. The name of this gas is derived from a Greek expression meaning yellow-green. It is one of the oldest known disinfectants as it can very effectively destroy a large number of bacteria. It is very reactive and creates a variety of compounds which are widely used in chemical and other industries. Chlorine is important for life, and we usually take it in small doses from salt. It is impossible to find this chemical element in its pure form in nature; it is usually received from minerals known as halites, which are sodium chlorides. Chloride is used for producing bleach and other disinfectants, especially for disinfecting water. It is also widely used in organic chemistry and in pharmacology, to speed up chemical reactions and manufacturing processes. Chlorine is also used for producing PVC with further use in construction, medicine, car parts, and so on.
Uses of Chlorine
Chlorine (Cl), the second lightest element of the halogens, is mostly used as a disinfectant for drinking water and swimming pools. It also is used in the manufacturing of consumer products such as paper, textiles, contact lenses, solar panels, paints, prosthetics, etc. An important percentage of chlorine is used in making PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) which is a widely produced plastic polymer. PVC is extensively used in manufacturing pipes, electrical cables, building construction, sports clothing and medical devices.
Salt (Sodium chloride), a chemical compound with sodium and chloride ions, is preferred for household purposes, but also used in the production of many chemicals too. Besides, sodium chloride is used in the food industry, agriculture, medicine, the pulp and paper industry. Chlorine is also used on planes, boats and automobiles in the manufacturing of safety belts, airbags, bumpers, dashboards, etc.
Compounds with Chlorine
- NaCl: Salt (Sodium chloride)
- C2H3Cl: Vinyl chloride
- (C2H3Cl)n: Polyvinyl chloride (abbreviated PVC)
- Cl2O: Dichlorine monoxide
- NaClO3: Sodium chlorate
- HOCl: Hypochlorous acid
- HCl: Hydrogen chloride
- Ca(ClO)2: Calcium hypochlorite
- MgCl2: Magnesium dichloride
- CaCl2: Calcium chloride
- NH4Cl: Ammonium chloride
Properties of Chlorine Element
Atomic Number (Z) | 17 |
Atomic Symbol | Cl |
Group | 17 |
Period | 3 |
Atomic Weight | 35.45 u |
Density | 0.003214 g/cm3 |
Melting Point (K) | 171.6 K |
Melting Point (℃) | -34,6 °C |
Boiling Point (K) | 239.11 K |
Boiling Point (℃) | -101 °C |
Heat Capacity | 0.479 J/g · K |
Abundance | 145 mg/kg |
State at STP | Gas |
Occurrence | Primordial |
Description | Halogen |
Electronegativity (Pauling) χ | 3.16 |
Ionization Energy (eV) | 12.96764 |
Atomic Radius | 100pm |
Covalent Radius | 99pm |
Van der Waals Radius | 175 |
Valence Electrons | 7 |
Year of Discovery | 1774 |
Discoverer | Scheele |