Atomic Number of Nickel

Atomic Number of Nickel is 28.
Chemical symbol for Nickel is Ni. Number of protons in Nickel is 28. Atomic weight of Nickel is 58.6934 u or g/mol. Melting point of Nickel is 1453 °C and its the boiling point is 2732 °C.
» Boiling Point » Melting Point » Abundant » State at STP » Discovery YearAbout Nickel
Nickel is a light grey color metal, which is quite strong and very resistive to corrosion. The name of the element is believed to take roots from the German expression meaning Devil’s copper. Despite the fact that nickel can be found in cells of all living organisms, this element is very carcinogenic even in small doses. It is impossible to find pure nickel on our planet, only in minerals, as well as on meteorites coming to our planet (one of them has landed in Canada and now provides about 15 per cent of the world’s nickel supply). Nickel used to be a key element for producing coins, and it is also used to produce batteries. Due its high resistance to corrosion, nickel is used to cover various metallic parts in order to prevent their corrosion. Numerous alloys of nickel have wide industrial uses.
Properties of Nickel Element
Atomic Number (Z) | 28 |
Atomic Symbol | Ni |
Group | 10 |
Period | 4 |
Atomic Weight | 58.6934 u |
Density | 8.912 g/cm3 |
Melting Point (K) | 1728 K |
Melting Point (℃) | 1453 °C |
Boiling Point (K) | 3186 K |
Boiling Point (℃) | 2732 °C |
Heat Capacity | 0.444 J/g · K |
Abundance | 84 mg/kg |
State at STP | Solid |
Occurrence | Primordial |
Description | Transition metal |
Electronegativity (Pauling) χ | 1.88 |
Ionization Energy (eV) | 7.881 |
Atomic Radius | 135pm |
Covalent Radius | 126pm |
Valence Electrons | 2 |
Year of Discovery | 1751 |
Discoverer | Cronstedt |