Atomic Number of Mendelevium

Mendelevium Atomic Number

Atomic Number of Mendelevium is 101.

Chemical symbol for Mendelevium is Md. Number of protons in Mendelevium is 101. Atomic weight of Mendelevium is 258 u or g/mol. Melting point of Mendelevium is 827 °C and its the boiling point is unknown.

» Boiling Point » Melting Point » State at STP » Discovery Year

About Mendelevium

Discovered in the labs of the University of California in the 1950s, Mendelevium is a radioactive chemical element named after Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian scientist and the creator of the Periodic Table. It is one of the actinides and a toxic material which can be produced only in nuclear reactors as a result of bombarding einsteinium molecules. Mendelevium is considered to be a transuranic element and has no other purpose but scientific research. It is produced in micro amounts of a few grams a year.

Properties of Mendelevium Element

Atomic Number (Z)101
Atomic SymbolMd
Atomic Weight258 u
Density10.3 g/cm3
Melting Point (K)1100 K
Melting Point (℃)827 °C
Boiling Point (K)unknown
Boiling Point (℃)unknown
Heat Capacity
Abundance0 mg/kg
State at STPSolid
Electronegativity (Pauling) χ1.3
Ionization Energy (eV)6.58
Atomic Radius
Covalent Radius
Valence Electrons2
Year of Discovery1955

What is the Boiling Point of Mendelevium?

Mendelevium boiling point is unknown. Boiling point of Mendelevium in Kelvin is unknown.

What is the Melting Point of Mendelevium?

Mendelevium melting point is 827 °C. Melting point of Mendelevium in Kelvin is 1100 K.

What is the State of Mendelevium at Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP)?

State of Mendelevium is Solid at standard temperature and pressure at 0℃ and one atmosphere pressure.

When was Mendelevium Discovered?

Mendelevium was discovered in 1955.