Atomic Number of Praseodymium

Praseodymium Atomic Number

Atomic Number of Praseodymium is 59.

Chemical symbol for Praseodymium is Pr. Number of protons in Praseodymium is 59. Atomic weight of Praseodymium is 140.90766 u or g/mol. Melting point of Praseodymium is 931 °C and its the boiling point is 3212 °C.

» Boiling Point » Melting Point » Abundant » State at STP » Discovery Year

About Praseodymium

Praseodymium is a soft light grey color metal which is quite soft and easily produces various chemical compounds. It has got its name after the Greek expression meaning green lookalike. It is not toxic and not essential for living organisms on our planet. It can be found as a part of minerals and chemical compounds on the Earth crust. The applications of this element include producing green color in glass or ceramics, producing electrodes and some kinds of lights, and in producing goggles, due to the reflective properties of praseodymium.

Properties of Praseodymium Element

Atomic Number (Z)59
Atomic SymbolPr
Atomic Weight140.90766 u
Density6.773 g/cm3
Melting Point (K)1208 K
Melting Point (℃)931 °C
Boiling Point (K)3793 K
Boiling Point (℃)3212 °C
Heat Capacity0.193 J/g · K
Abundance9.2 mg/kg
State at STPSolid
Electronegativity (Pauling) χ1.13
Ionization Energy (eV)5.473
Atomic Radius185pm
Covalent Radiusno datapm
Valence Electrons2
Year of Discovery1895
Discoverervon Welsbach

What is the Boiling Point of Praseodymium?

Praseodymium boiling point is 3212 °C. Boiling point of Praseodymium in Kelvin is 3793 K.

What is the Melting Point of Praseodymium?

Praseodymium melting point is 931 °C. Melting point of Praseodymium in Kelvin is 1208 K.

How Abundant is Praseodymium?

Abundant value of Praseodymium is 9.2 mg/kg.

What is the State of Praseodymium at Standard Temperature and Pressure (STP)?

State of Praseodymium is Solid at standard temperature and pressure at 0℃ and one atmosphere pressure.

When was Praseodymium Discovered?

Praseodymium was discovered in 1895.