Atomic Number of Gadolinium

Atomic Number of Gadolinium is 64.
Chemical symbol for Gadolinium is Gd. Number of protons in Gadolinium is 64. Atomic weight of Gadolinium is 157.25 u or g/mol. Melting point of Gadolinium is 1311 °C and its the boiling point is 3233 °C.
» Boiling Point » Melting Point » Abundant » State at STP » Discovery YearAbout Gadolinium
Gadolinium is a chemical element and one of the lantanides. It is a soft and reactive metal of light grey color. It has got its name after Johan Gadolin, a Finnish scientist and chemist. This chemical element is not toxic and has no importance for living organisms on our planet. It exists in nature in some amounts in minerals which are found on the earth crust. But generally this element is rare. The main applications of gadolinium include color televising production, photography devices production, as well as for MRI production, which are widely used in medicine. Gadolinium can also be used for producing various parts for electronic devises including data storage devices, etc.
Properties of Gadolinium Element
Atomic Number (Z) | 64 |
Atomic Symbol | Gd |
Group | |
Period | 6 |
Atomic Weight | 157.25 u |
Density | 7.895 g/cm3 |
Melting Point (K) | 1585 K |
Melting Point (℃) | 1311 °C |
Boiling Point (K) | 3546 K |
Boiling Point (℃) | 3233 °C |
Heat Capacity | 0.236 J/g · K |
Abundance | 6.2 mg/kg |
State at STP | Solid |
Occurrence | Primordial |
Description | Lanthanide |
Electronegativity (Pauling) χ | 1.2 |
Ionization Energy (eV) | 6.1501 |
Atomic Radius | 180pm |
Covalent Radius | no datapm |
Valence Electrons | 2 |
Year of Discovery | 1880 |
Discoverer | de Marignac |